Stitching: May 2013


Sunday, 19 May 2013

Eurovision! SBS style.

I taped the semi-finals and have been stitching away while watching the glorious thing that is Eurovision with the witty repartee of Julia and Sam.
My plan to do one colour at a time didn't work out for these skinny bits I'm doing down the bottom...

Friday, 17 May 2013

After this, I have a plan

So this gigantic humongous tapestry that I got because Hubby thought it would be nice to have something like that on the wall (note to self: never let him choose my projects again) I've decided that I'm going to tackle a different colour each session. That way I might actually feel like I'm making progress. It never looks like much when I compare photos.

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Not the usual

I read Epbot and she recently talked about how her mother-in-law doesn't read the gumph the card maker prints and skips that in favour of what the giver has written. So she created a card front and said if we wanted we could use it and do tell how it goes down. I'll find out that last bit tomorrow.
Here's the card making I did for my and hubby's mum.

I've decided I quite enjoy making cards. I might have to expand my collection of papers to include other bits to bling up some various occasion cards.

Friday, 10 May 2013

Keeping on

Started a third bookmark for next years mothers day stall at school.

Saturday, 4 May 2013

The big one

Put a bit of time into the big project today. Kids were kidnapped by Grandmother so had some uninterrupted time.